Published October 14, 2015 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Mandeville on Pride and Animal Nature

  • 1. King's College London


 Mandeville’s first publication – the thesis Disputatio Philosophica de  Brutorum Operationibus  (1689) – advocated the Cartesian position that both denied feeling and sensation, let alone thought, to non-human animals and stressed the inherent distinctiveness of the conscious sensory and inferential capacities of human agents. Yet his later writings subscribed to a directly opposed Enlightenment position. His translation of La Fontaine’s Fables  drew comparisons between humans  and animal throughout, and by the time of the Fable of the Bees , Mandeville was clearly in the camp stressing the continuity of human and non-human animal nature, a tradition following Hobbes, Montaigne and La Rochefoucauld, and later to include Helvétius, de la Mettrie and Hume. The function of pride in Mandeville’s ethics is examined in terms of this debate, framed by Bayle’s famous ‘Rorarius’ entry in his Dictionary . With this background in place, Mandeville’s claim regarding the psychological role of pride as the ‘other Recompense : : :  [of] the vain Satisfaction of making our Species appear more exalted and remote from that of other Animals’ is then discussed. It is presented as a critique of Shaftesbury’s discussion in the Characteristics  relating to the norm of fulfilling one’s human nature.



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