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Published May 31, 2019 | Version v1
Book Open

Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century

  • 1. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


A book for the curious and passionate 21st century language teachers and teacher trainers. 

Tired of reading about the wonders of technology enhanced project-based learning but not knowing where to seek inspiration to start to adopt this teaching approach? A team of in-service teachers, teacher trainers, pre-service teachers and researchers have worked together to present a simple, engaging and practical book to offer fellow education professionals stimulating ideas for their teaching practice.

Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century offers:

* Inspiring classroom projects and innovative teaching experiences.

* A compilation of digital tools and resources for the foreign language classroom.

* Pioneering proposals to open up the classroom doors.

* Problem-solving and inquiry-based tasks that promote team work.

* Honest reflections from practitioners on their classroom practices.

This book includes

* accessible examples of teacher-led classroom research small-scale studies.

* calls for teachers to do research in their classrooms. 

* personal accounts on the importance of school internships for pre-service teachers.

This book is an invitation for practicing teachers and teacher trainers to be creative and to develop learning skills, literacy skills and life skills. 

Are you ready to become an innovative 21st century educator?


JOINT EFFORTS FOR INNOVATION 9781782226802_txt.pdf

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978-1-78222-680-2 (ISBN)