Comments on YouTube videos of top two Indian political parties named Indian National Congress and Bhartiya Janata Party
The datasets are taken from Various YouTube videos of top two Indian political parties named Indian National Congress and Bhartiya Janata Party.
Both the datasets are divided into two categories: -
Label 1- Positive
Label 2- Negative
All the labelling has been done manually.
Indian National Congress dataset:
Characteristics: Bivariate
Number of instances in dataset: 1998
Area of subject: Politics
Attribute characteristics of dataset: Real
Number of attributes: 2
Date donated: March, 2019
Task associated: Classification(binary)
Missing values: Null
Bhartiya Janata Party dataset:
Characteristics: Bivariate
Number of instances in dataset: 1952
Area of subject: Politics
Attribute characteristics of dataset: Real
Number of attributes: 2
Date donated: March, 2019
Task associated: Classification(binary)
Missing values: Null
Bothe datasets contains equal number of positive and negative comments:
Total number of positive comments present in Bhartiya Janata Party dataset =976
Total number of negative comments present in Bhartiya Janata Party dataset =976
Total number of positive comments present in Indian National Congress dataset=999
Total number of negative comments present in Bhartiya Janata Party dataset=999
Both datasets contain following attributes:
comment text