Published February 15, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted



  • 1. Assistant Professor of Commerce & Management, GFGCW, Tumkur


This study represents a comprehensive summary of the need of innovation and creativity at work place which is a very difficult task and important too. The impact of broader trends on the workplace has always been important, but with the pace of change increasing, developments in society, politics, demographics and technology can sometimes seem to appear out of nowhere and yet have a major impact on business and working life. This makes it more important than ever for organization to be aware of wide-ranging trends and the implications they may have for the workplace. Creativity means the ability and power to deliver new ideas. The Individuals creativity and Organizations creativity and safety at work is an important part of the social responsibility of any business. The wellbeing and innovative ability of the employees is particularly important in times of constant alter. The need is simultaneous comprehensive development of the whole work community and its ways of working. The study of individuals, their working climate and organizational performance are very complex way. To meet existing and future workplace challenges, The organization need to redefine their role and professional uniqueness to advocate and carry a better balance between the entire work place and interests at work. Specially, the future needs to be more of innovation and creativity at the work place. The working conditions should be developed in a goal-oriented and systematic way. The well-being of Individual’s innovation and creativity should be promoted actively throughout their work career. This prerequisite encourages people to stay on longer in work life and in an organization. Generally, improved working conditions easily lead to a win-win situation. Both the organization and its workers benefit from this. In the future, work life will be based mostly on flat organizations, teams and networks. Without collaboration, any business cannot optimism to succeed. An individual at work expect a new kind of joy of working where the work is fluent and productivity is at a high level. Occupational well-being involves both individuals and work communities. There is always a physical as well as psychosocial aspect in people’s ability to cope at work. Well-being at work is created by team in tackling and solving the problems and applies innovation and creativity at workplace. This is a participative learning process for the entire personnel. Many believe that the art of management is a smart and efficient manager can run your organization to great heights. Creativity is one of the most important factors that should be a manager but you are creative directors. The organization must have a holistic and ethical basis for its vision, as well as practical objectives for attaining innovation, creativity and well-being at work place. The management of occupational well-being must be at the very core of strategic planning and implementing the innovation and creative way of working. The need for new thinking and innovative value to organizations in recent decades, it is essential in all factors. Without the management’s sincere and visible commitment, the results are meager.



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