Published August 29, 2015 | Version v1.8.0-RC3
Software Open

CAJAL: CAJAL v1.8.0 Release Candidate 3

  • 1. Johns Hopkins University
  • 2. johns hopkins university
  • 3. Gitter


CAJAL v1.8.0-RC3 is compatible with Open Connectome v0.8. All Open Connectome Project webservices now run OCP v0.8. This is the current, supported release of CAJAL.

For users migrating from CAJAL v1.7.1, note the following changes:

Channel Support

Annotations and Images now require both a token and a channel. For example:

oo = OCP(); oo.setImageToken('kasthuri11'); oo.setImageChannel('em');

If the token has a default channel, that channel will automatically be set when setting the token and a warning will be displayed.

Server Location Syntax

oo.setServerLocation() now accepts port numbers in addition to the server name. For example:

oo = OCP(); oo.setServerLocation('localhost:8000')

The /ocp suffix is NOT required and will cause problems. The http:// prefix is also not required, but can be added.

Unit tests (testOCP.m) support setting a target_server, allowing one to run tests against a local OCP installation or a different machine than

Query Checks

Query checking now supports the isotropic database format. A valid resolution is required for all query bounds checking (X, Y, and Z). Previously, a valid resolution was only required for X and Y. Warning messages have been updated to reflect this. Queries that do not specify a valid resolution are very unsafe!

Known Issues
  • multichannel cutouts are currently not supported. To perform a multichannel cutout, run the same query multiple times, changing the image or anno channel between each run. Supporting multichannel cutouts would require more major changes to CAJAL.
  • RGBa data support has changed in the new OCP. CAJAL RGBa functions have been disabled. Existing CAJAL functions support RGBA data -- simply upload image data with ChannelType image and ChannelDataType uint32.


This release is not compatible with Open Connectome v0.6 or v0.7. This release is compatible with Open Connectome v0.8.


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