Published December 31, 2010
| Version v1
Journal article
One new species and three newly recorded species of the genus Exaeretia Stainton, 1849 (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae: Depressariinae) from China
Liu, Shurong, Wang, Shuxia (2010): One new species and three newly recorded species of the genus Exaeretia Stainton, 1849 (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae: Depressariinae) from China. Zootaxa 2444: 45-50, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.294033
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- Becker, V.O. (1984) Taxonomic notes on the Neotropical microlepidoptera. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 28(2), 129-201.
- Busck, A. (1904) Tineid Moths from British Columbia, with Descriptions of New Species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 27(1375), 745-778.
- Clarke, J.F.G. (1941) Revision of the North America moths of the family Oecophoridae, with description of new genera and species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 90, 33-286.
- Clarke, J.F.G. (1947) Notes and new species of Microlepdoptera from Washington state. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 37, 2-18.
- Clarke, J.F.G. (1963) Catalogue of the type specimens of Microlepidoptera in the British Museum (Natural History) described by Edward Meyrick, Volume 4, London: The Trustees of the British Museum.
- Hannemann, H.J. (1953) Naturliche Gruppierung der europaischen Arten der Gattung Depressaria s. 1. (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 29, 269-373.
- Hannemann, H.J. (1971) Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungon von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei. 263. Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae: Depressariini. Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 17, 261-270.
- Hodges, R.W. (1974) Gelechioidea: Oecophoridae. In Dominick, R.B., Dominick, T., Ferguson, D.C., Franclemont, J.G., Hodges, R.W., Munroe, E.G. (Eds.), The Moths of America North of Mexico. E. W. Classey and The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, London, x + 142 pp, 7 pls.
- Hodges, R.W. (1998) Gelechioidea. In: Kristensen, N.P. (Ed.) Lepidoptera: moths and butterflies. Handbook of Zoology IV, Part 35. Walter de Gruyter, New York. Pp. 131-158.
- Lienig, F. & Zeller, P.C. (1846) Anmerkungen. In: Lienig, F. Lepidopterologischer Fauna von Livland und Curland. Isis von Oken, 1846, Heft III & IV, 175-302.
- Meyrick, E. (1928) A Revised Handbook of British Lepidoptera. Watkins & Doncaster. London. 914 pp.
- Palm, N.B. (1943) Two new Swedish species of Tineina. Opuscula Entomologica, 8, 25-28.
- Ridout, B.V. (1977) Two new synonymies of Microlepidoptera (Gelechiidae: Gnorimoschemin: and Oecophoridae: Depressariinae). Entomologist's Gazette, 28(1), 38-42.
- Stainton, H.T. (1849) On the species of Depressaria, a genus of Tineidae, and the allied genera Orthotaelia and Exaeretia. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 5, 151-173.
- Turati, E. (1924) Spedizione Lepidotterologica in Cirenaica 1921-1922. Atti delta Societa Italianadi Scienzi Naturaliedel Museo Civicodi Storia Naturale in Milano, 63, 21-191.
- Walsingham, L. (1881) On some North-American Tineidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1881, 301-325, pls. 35-36.
- Wang, S.X. (2005) A review of the genus Exaeretia from China, with descriptions of four new species (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae). Oriental Insects, 39, 147-155.