Data set for article Veto, P., Einhäuser, W., & Troje, N.F. (2017). Biological motion distorts size perception. Scientific Reports, 7, 42576.
- 1. Chemnitz University of Technology, Institute of Physics
- 2. Queen's University, Department of Psychology
In this data set you find 3 files containing data from Experiments 1, 2 & 3 of Veto P, Einhauser W & Troje NF (2017) Biological motion distorts size perception. Scientific Reports, 7, 42576; doi: 10.1038/srep42576
The data are freely available for academic use only. If you use these data for a publication, please cite the aforementioned article.
If you have any questions regarding the data, please do not hesitate to contact Peter Veto at
Each row of the files contain data from one trial.
Experiment 1
1 - Participant number
2 - Block number
3 - Trial number
4 - Target orientation (1: Upright; -1: Inverted)
5 - Stimulus width
6 - Stimulus height
7 - Response width
8 - Response height
Experiment 2
1-8 Same as Experiment 1
9 - Condition: dynamic (1) or static (2) target
Experiment 3
1 - Participant number
2 - Block number
3 - Trial number
4 - Walker orientation
(1: upper walker upright, lower walker inverted;
2: upper walker inverted, lower walker upright)
5 - Condition
(1: upper target larger (21%) than lower target;
2: upper target larger (10.5%) than lower target;
3: target sizes are identical;
4: lower target larger (10.5%) than upper target;
5: lower target larger (21%) than upper target)
6 - Inter stimulus interval (from end of walker presentation to onset of target circles)
(1: 17ms; 2: 100ms)
7 - Response
(1: upper target was larger;
2: lower target was larger)
Additional details
Related works
- Is supplement to
- 10.1038/srep42576 (DOI)