Published July 22, 2013 | Version v1
Lesson Open

Introduction to Research Data Management - slide shows (Oxford)

  • 1. University of Oxford


Research data management - introductory slideshows

Authors: DaMaRO Project, University of Oxford 
Created: 1 October 2012, by DaMaRO Project, University of Oxford

These slideshows provide a brief introduction to key issues in research data management. They are designed for use in induction events for new researchers, or as part of a research skills course. Three versions are provided: all cover broadly the same ground, but in different degrees of detail. These slideshows are part of a set of resources created by the JISC Managing Research Data programme-funded DaMaRO Project at the University of Oxford. (NB. The slides include some Oxford-specific information.)

Published: 22 July 2013, by University of Oxford

Keywords: induction, research skills, research data management, research data, postdoctoral researchers, postgraduate research students, researchers 

Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported


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