Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
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FIGURE 1. Line drawings. A in Notes on the species of Perkinsiana (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from Antarctica with the description of P. brigittae sp. nov.


FIGURE 1. Line drawings. A) Abdominal chaeta type A, B) abdominal chaeta type B, C) abdominal chaeta type C, D) collar and anterior thorax, dorsal view, E) same, ventral view, F) same, lateral view, G) posterior abdomen, H–I) dorsal and ventral lips, J) thoracic uncinus, K–L) abdominal uncini, M–O) companion chaetae, P) thoracic narrowly-hooded chaeta, Q) thoracic paleate chaeta, R) abdominal narrowly-hooded chaeta. A–C) redrawn from Fitzhugh (1989), D–R) Perkinsiana brigittae sp. nov. Holotype (D–G, J–R). Paratype (H–I). Scale bars: A–C (not scaled); D–I (1 mm); J–R (20 µm). Abbreviations: (apr) anterior peristomial ring, (dl) dorsal lip, (ll) lateral lamella, (mr) mid-rib, (vl) ventral lip.


Published as part of Tovar-Hernández, María Ana, Yáñez-Rivera, Beatriz, Giangrande, Adriana & Gambi, Maria Cristina, 2012, Notes on the species of Perkinsiana (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from Antarctica with the description of P. brigittae sp. nov., pp. 56-68 in Zootaxa 3485 on page 58, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.282400



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