Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Apocuma (Cumacea: Bodotriidae): two new species from the West-Atlantic and a significant extension of the known distribution of this genus in the Atlantic Ocean


Roccatagliata, Daniel, Alberico, Natalia A., Heard, Richard W. (2012): Apocuma (Cumacea: Bodotriidae): two new species from the West-Atlantic and a significant extension of the known distribution of this genus in the Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa 3436: 24-40, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.282099



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  • Hale, H.M. (1949) Australian Cumacea. No. 16 the family Nannastacidae. Records of the South Australian Museum, 9 (2), 225-245.
  • Haye, P.A. (2007) Systematics of the genera of Bodotriidae (Crustacea: Cumacea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 151, 1-58.
  • Heard, R.W., Roccatagliata, D. & Petrescu, I. (2007) An illustrated guide to Cumacea (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida) from Florida Coastal and shelf waters to depths of 100 m. Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, 75 pp. Available from (accessed 24 May 2011).
  • Jones, N.S. (1973) Some new Cumacea from deep water in the Atlantic. Crustaceana, 25 (3), 297-319.
  • Jones, N.S. (1990) The Cumacea of the Atlantic phase of the Balgim Cruise. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 31, 75-85.
  • Ledoyer, M. (1997) Les Cumaces (Crustacea) des campagnes Eumeli 2, 3 et 4 au large du Cap Blanc (est Atlantique tropical). Journal of Natural History, 31 (6), 841-886.
  • Petrescu, I. (2004) The first mention of the genus Apocuma Jones, 1973 (Crustacea: Cumacea: Bodotriidae) from Australian waters. Travaux du Museum National d ´Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa", 46, 45-54.
  • Watling, L. (2009) Biogeographic provinces in the Atlantic deep sea determined from cumacean distribution patterns. Deep Sea Research Part II: Tropical Studies in Oceanography, 56, 1747-1753.