Published May 13, 2019 | Version v2
Conference paper Open

FLEXPUB: Developing a Strategy for Flexible and Innovative e-Services

  • 1. National Geographic Institute – Belgium
  • 2. KU Leuven – Belgium
  • 3. UNamur – Belgium


Developing innovative and flexible public e-services, capable of adapting to the citizens’ changing needs, has become crucial for public administrations. To help them with these challenges, the FLEXPUB research project aims at developing a federal Strategy for the implementation of flexible and innovative geographical public e-services.

In order to develop this Strategy, a baseline measurement of the existing federal administrations’ practices in terms of geographical e-services was conducted, and was complemented with an analysis of the deriving stakeholders’ requirements.

To guide the federal administration along the way, a twelve years (2018-2030) Strategy was created, as a framework that lays the foundations enabling a federal administration to build flexible and innovative e-services, by relying on three pillars (Openness, Participation and Collaboration) and one key fundament: Geo-orientation.

 Openness implies rethinking the information management system; ensuring sustainable funding for public data quality and up-to-dateness; and guaranteeing personal data protection and security. Participation implies aligning with internal stakeholders; integrating the input from citizens and external users; and developing the appropriate methods and tools. Collaboration implies rethinking organisational structures to actively serve the end-user; strengthening coordination and sharing practices within a single administration; and building on common service and data approaches to stimulate cooperation across public administrations. Finally, Geo-orientation underlies these three pillars.



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