Web-STAR: A Visual Web-based IDE for a Story Comprehension System
- 1. Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
- 2. Open University of Cyprus and Research Center on Interactive Media, Smart Systems, and Emerging Technologies, Nicosia, Cyprus
In this work, we present Web-STAR, an online platform for story understanding built on top of the STAR (STory comprehension through ARgumentation) reasoning engine. This platform includes a web-based IDE, integration with the STAR system and a web service infrastructure to support integration with other systems that rely on story understanding functionality to complete their tasks. The platform also delivers a number of "social" features like public story sharing with a built-in commenting system, a public repository for sharing stories with the community and collaboration tools that can be used from both project team members for development and educators for teaching. Moreover, we discuss the ongoing work on adding new features and functionality to this platform.
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