Supplementary materials for the manuscript entitled "Comprehensive Identification, Phylogenetic Analysis and Expression Profiling of Multicopper Oxidase Genes in Maize"
Table S1. Gene IDs and names of maize and Arabidopsis MCOs
Figure S1. Phylogenetic tree of protein sequences of multicopper oxidase (MCO) of maize and Arabidopsis with rectangular layout. Branches are not cladogram-transformed. Shown in nodes are bootstrap support. The tree is polar layout, and branches are cladogram-transformed. Maize IDs are labeled in brown. Clades representative of SKS, LAC and AAO are labeled in blue, red and green, respectively. The tree is reconstructed by PhyML with 1000 bootstrap replicates.
Figure S2. Chromosome map depicting location of maize MCOs, with gene IDs shown in the map. Figure legend is the same as Figure 2.
Figure S3. Phylogenetic tree of maize and Arabidopsis AAOs. The trees are rectangular layout. The tree is reconstructed by PhyML with 1000 bootstrap replicates. Shown in nodes are bootstrap support.