FESOM model results
- 1. Hohai University
- 2. Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
control: the hindcast simulation using interannually varying atmospheric forcing (IAVF).
AO: In the Arctic Ocean the IAVF is used. Outside the Arctic Ocean the normal year forcing (NYF) is used. The NYF is repeatedly used for every year.
nAO:In the Arctic Ocean the NYF is used. Outside the Arctic Ocean the IAVF is used.
AO_w: the same as AO but the atmospheric buoyancy forcing in the Arctic Ocean is changed to the NYF.
nAO_w: the same as nAO but the atmospheric buoyancy forcing outside the Arctic Ocean is changed to the NYF.
vtransp: volume transport through Bering Strait.
fwtransp: freshwater transport through Bering Strait.
Htransp: heat transport through Bering Strait.
slp_yr: annual mean sea level pressure.
ssh_yr: annual mean sea surface high.
Ekmantransp_tx: Ekman transport component in the x direction.
Ekmantransp_ty: Ekman transport component in the y direction.
min: years with low Bering Strait throughflow.
max: years with high Bering Strait throughflow.
temp_diff_0-50m: the difference of temperature between years with high and low Bering Strait throughflow.
salt_diff_0-50m: the difference of salinity between years with high and low Bering Strait throughflow.
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