Published November 26, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

New and dangerous bacterial disease of oleander Pseudomonassavastanoi p v. Nerii in greenhouses of Ukraine

  • 1. Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Staryi Blvd 7, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine; *
  • 2. National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, 15 Geroyev Oborony Street, Kiyev, Ukraine;


Object: Study of symptoms and etiology of oleander tuberculosis causative agents and determination of causes of their appearance in conditions of the closed ground of the greenhouses of Ukraine. Methods: Samples for research were selected in greenhouses of Botanical Garden named after acad. A. V. Fomin from different kinds and forms of oleander (Nerium oleander L.). The microbiological and phytopathological analysis was carried out after K. I. Beltyukova. Biolog GN MicroPlate system was used to identify isolated bacterial strains. Calculations for bacteria identification in relation to genus, species and other taxonomic units are based on the similarity index. Results: On oleander plants, the greatest disease progress shows itself on the branches of the second year of development. Up to 5 bacterial nodes of different sizes can be formed on one branch. Galls can be formed on the leaves both on the upper (62.1%) and lower (37.9%) sides. Bacteria actively spread with water from branches and leaves, especially when spraying plants from a hose. The infection degree of different varieties of oleander was not the same. Such varieties and forms as of Nerium oleander "Album", Nerium oleander "Album Plenum" suffer from bacteriosis the most. Conclusions: For the first time in Ukraine tuberculosis Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. nerii was detected on oleander (Nerium oleander L.). The infection degree of different varieties of oleander was not the same. Nerium oleander "Album", Nerium oleander "Album Plenum", are the most severely leased, Nerium oleander "Flavescens", Nerium oleander"Lacteum" are leased to the lesser extent. The spread of the disease is favored by some methods of this group of plants growing: pruning plants, branches, and leaves bruise..

