Published April 16, 2019 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Crossing the boundaries in order to improve life chances: a case study of a mentoring programme in the UK


Adult Education (AE) can act as a vehicle to support transitions and cross boundaries, from school to higher education, further training or to work. Research has shown that this is particularly true in the case of young adults in vulnerable positions of disadvantaged background between the ages of 16-24 who are at a vital stage of decision making at the age of 18 (Kersh & Toiviainen, 2017). This age group experiences a double ‘crossing’; one is the transition to higher education, further training or work, the other is moving into adulthood.

In this paper we aim to highlight the extent to which mentoring programme has been effective for engaging and re-engaging vulnerable young adults, and facilitating their social and economic inclusion, and active citizenship. 


Crossing the boundaries in order to improve life chances- A case study of a mentoring programme in the UK.pdf