Published April 15, 2019
| Version v1
Data to Support 'Persistent cloud cover over mega-cities linked to surface heat release'
"Persistent cloud cover over mega-cities linked to surface heat release
by Theeuwes et al., 2019 NPJ Climate and atmospheric science
- HRV processed time series of cloud fractions [-] over each land use type (pixels have to be 100% of one land use class)
- "high" - forest/high vegetation
- "low" - low vegetation
- "urban" - urban areas
- "water" - water bodies for London domain.
HRV_paris_landuse.txt -
- HRV processed time series of cloud fractions over each land use type (pixels have to be 100% of one land use class)
- "high" - forest/high vegetation,
- "low" - low vegetation,
- "urban" - urban areas for Paris domain.
"london_CBH.csv" -
- Cloud base heights ("CBH_L") [m] from CL31 ceilometer at London site (Marylebone road) and logical array whether it is clear or clouds are observed in the 15-min period "clear_L, cloudy_L"
"chilbolton_CBH.csv" -
- Cloud base heights ("CBH_C") [m] from CL75K ceilometer at Chilbolton site and logical array whether it is clear or clouds are observed in the 15-min period "clear_C, cloudy_C"
raw data: doi:10.5285/1aa2df5a-798b-46c7-b74a-421f9ca0aa82
"london_met.csv" -
- Data from meteorological measurements at London (Kings College London site):
- "DIP_L" - dew point depression (air temperature - dew point temperature) [K],
- "RR_L" - precipitation [mm],
- "T_L" - absolute air temperature [K],
- "Td_L" - dew point temperature [K].
"chilbolton_met.csv" -
- Data from meteorological measurements at Chilbolton:
- "DIP_C" - dew point depression (air temperature - dew point temperature) [K],
- "T_C" - absolute air temperature [K],
- "Td_C" - dew point temperature [K].
- - Kinematic sensible ("wth_L" [K m s-1]) and latent heat ("wq_L" [kg kg-1 m s-1]) fluxes at London (Kings College London site).
- - Kinematic sensible ("wth_C" [K m s-1]) and latent heat ("wq_C" [kg kg-1 m s-1]) fluxes at Chilbolton.
- - Hourly statistics of the LiDAR stare data for Chilbolton site. Vertical velocity variance corrected.
Note: all Chilbolton raw data:
Additional details
Related works
- Is published in
- Publication: 10.1038/s41612-019-0072-x (DOI)
- Theeuwes NE, JF Barlow, AJ Teuling, CSB Grimmond, S Kotthaus 2019 Persistent cloud cover over mega-cities linked to surface heat release npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (2019) 2:15 ;