Published June 18, 2023 | Version NORMAN-SLE-S17.0.1.8
Dataset Open

S17 | KEMIMARKET | KEMI Market List

  • 1. KEMI
  • 1. LCSB, Uni Luxembourg
  • 2. Uni Athens


This is the collection associated with list S17 KEMIMARKET on the NORMAN Suspect List Exchange.

S17 : KEMIMARKET: KEMI Market List

Provided by Stellan Fischer, KEMI including Hazard and Exposure scores, documented here. Curated by Reza Aalizadeh, University of Athens and Emma Schymanski, UniLu. 

Nov 14 2019 update: added CSV of latest file. Nov 21 Update: fixed 3 truncated InChIKeys in CSV and InChIKey file. Feb 6, 2020: fixed SMILES issues in CSV for PubChem import. Jul 24, 2020: fixed two synonyms based on feedback from PubChem for GFMHHNOUDDHEOO-UHFFFAOYSA-N and LAUVMIDRJMQUQL-UHFFFAOYSA-N. 17 July 2022: fixed several SMILES errors in CSV, updated IK file for PubChem deposition. 18 July 2022: fixed truncated SMILES that failed PubChem standardization (LCTORFDMHNKUSG-GJHKVECASA-N). 18 Jun 2023: fixed two SMILES that failed PubChem deposition for ILENATNBFPBMHG-UHFFFAOYSA-N and NOESYZHRGYRDHS-ZYCCASTOSA-N, plus one that failed standardization (JBEHRBTVEGZLAF-UHFFFAOYSA-N).



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