Published March 29, 2019 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

ANIMA D2.4 - Recommendations on annoyance mitigation and implications for communication and engagement


This deliverable D2.4 is embedded in ANIMA work package WP2 – “Critical Review and Assessment of Noise Impact and Related Management Practices.” It refers to subtask 2.2.2 and serves – in conjunction with deliverable D2.3 from subtask 2.2.1 – the critical review of noise impact (task 2.2).


This deliverable has three main topics. While deliverable D2.3 deals with aircraft noise-related health impacts in general, here (1) annoyance as an outcome is at the centre stage. Moreover, this deliverable (2) pursues a holistic approach to the emergence, maintenance and, especially, mitigation of aircraft noise annoyance. That is, in addition to acoustic variables, in particular the range of non-acoustical contributors is also examined, as well as the combined effects and interactions of acoustical and non-acoustical variables. Finally, based on the findings, (3) implications and recommendations for noise management strategies are derived and presented. The centrepieces to achieving these objectives are several systematic literature reviews.


v2 with DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3988131 corrects some typos and adds the correct list of authors


ANIMA D2.4_Recommendations on annoyance mitigation and implications for communication and engagement - public version.pdf

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Related works


European Commission
ANIMA – Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches 769627