Published June 1, 2016 | Version v1
Video/Audio Open

Generating states: exploring the kinaesthetic and energetic relationship between the moving body-mind and environment, through the lens of a dancer, a choreographer and a performer: TerrainSkin:4DFlow Performance

  • 1. University of Limerick


TerrainSkin:4DFlow is a three-hour durational response to a three-screen dance video installation, TerrainSkin, currently screening in the Dance Interactive Space in Firkin Crane, Cork. TerrainSkin explores the symbiotic relationship between body-mind and environment. This live response through the mediums of movement, video and visual art, allows insight into an evolving creative process, a process of becoming, a process of construction, a process of re-configuration, a process of transition from site-specific environments to a performance installation environment. This live response aims to dissolve the boundaries between performer and audience, through creating a shared immersive interactive space of heightened kinaesthetic and energetic awareness.

Mairéad Vaughan – Movement
Carolyn Collier – Visual Art
Aoife Desmond – Visual Art
Dara O’Brien – Video

This video, and another TerrainSkin Video (, form part of a PhD thesis held in the University of Limerick Institutional Repository (ULIR):

Vaughan, M. (2016) 'Generating states: exploring the kinaesthetic and energetic relationship between the moving body-mind and environment, through the lens of a dancer, a choreographer and a performer', University of Limerick (PhD Thesis). Available from:

The research was funded by the Arts Council of Ireland.


TerrainSkin4DFlowPerformance .mp4

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