Published March 22, 2019
| Version v1
Journal article
Revision of the genus Neorthrius Gerstmeier & Eberle, 2011 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae)
Gerstmeier, Roland (2019): Revision of the genus Neorthrius Gerstmeier & Eberle, 2011 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae). Zootaxa 4569 (1): 1-127, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4569.1.1
Linked records
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- Chapin, E.A. (1928) A new Orthrius from Siam (Col.: Cleridae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 41, 125-126.
- Corporaal, J.B. (1926a) New species of Cleridae from British India and Burma. Indian Forest Records, Entomology series, 12 (8), 209-216.
- Corporaal, J.B. (1926b) Some new species of Oriental Cleridae and remarks on known species. Encyclopedie Entomologique, Serie B (I Coleoptera), 1, 175-188.
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- Gorham, H.S. (1892) Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e Vicine. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Series 2a, 12 (32), 718-746.
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- Gorham, H.S. (1895) List of the Coleoptera in the collection of H.E. Andrewes Esq. from India and Burma, with descriptions of new species and notes. Families: Malacodermata-Erotylidae-Endomychidae. Annales de la Societe Entomologiques de Belgique, 39, 293-330.
- Gorham, H.S. (1903) On Coleoptera collected in India by MM. H.-E. and H.-L. Andrewes. Annales de la Societe Entomologiques de Belgique, 47, 323-347.
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- Schenkling, S. (1899) Neue Cleriden des Museums zu Genua nebst Bemerkungen uber bereits beschriebene Arten. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Series 2a, 20 (40), 331-346.
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