Published February 28, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Problematic issues and perspective ways for ensuring documentation of battle work on combat means of surface-to-air missile systems (complexes)


The article discusses approaches to ensure the combat work documentation on the combat means of surface-to-air missile systems (complexes) in modern conditions. It focuses attention on the main discrepancies of the existing objective control means of combat work to the requirements of time. A review of existing research and publications on objective control of combat work shows that the existing approaches are mainly focused on organizing objective control at command and control centres and do not take into account the specifics of conducting combat work on combat weapons of surface-to-air missile systems (complexes). That is why the purpose of the article was chosen to substantiate propositions for improving the objective control system of the combat work on combat weapons of surface-to-air missile systems. When developing proposals for improving the objective control system of combat work on combat means of surface-to-air missile systems (complexes), the emphasis is placed on the fact that a promising objective control system of combat work, unlike the existing one, should be based on modern element base, be unified and should record video , audio, combat and technical information circulating in the combat means of surface-to-air missile systems (complexes). The structure of this system, its elements, communication organization is proposed, the expediency of such a construction option is justified. For each element, its functional purpose is indicated and the design direction is advisable. In addition, it was proposed to use this approach in the future for samples of weapons and military equipment (radar stations, command and control stations, combat vehicles) of other troops types.


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