Published March 15, 2019 | Version v1
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No X-shape in the Milky Way bulge

  • 1. Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, La Laguna (Tenerife), Spain


X-shape in the bulge of our Galaxy is based on the analysis of red clump star counts in the region |l|<10 deg., 5<|b|<10 deg., where a double peak in the star counts along the line of sight is found, but contamination of a secondary red clump might produce the artifact of the second peak in the density. X-shape was also observed in the projected images of the bulge, although it depends on its processing with the subtraction of some particular disc model or it may be an artefact due to a subtraction of the bulge as an ellipsoid instead of a boxy bulge. Moreover, stellar density of bulge stars in the same regions using different stellar populations with different ages (young F0-F5V from VISTA-VVV data; or intermediate age O-rich Miras variables from OGLE and other surveys; or very old RR-Lyrae) only show a single peak in the density distribution along the lines of sight. This may indicate that X-shape structure is not there and a boxy bulge better represents the bulge.



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