Published March 14, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Micro-CT scans, whole-test meshes, and internal chamber segments of planktonic foraminifera for three-dimensional analysis of inter- and intra-specific variation in ontogenetic growth trajectories

  • 1. Yale University
  • 2. Naturalis Biodiversity Center
  • 3. Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie



Here, we release tomographic reconstructions of 42 planktonic foraminifera from plankton tows and sediment traps, along with meshes and shrinkwrap meshes the whole tests and internal meshes of segmented chambers. Shrinkwrap meshes are test meshes that have been modified to close all pores and apertures in the test. Additionally, we have provided sample metadata for each specimen and volumetric measurements for the tests and chambers. This dataset was used in a study of ontogenetic growth in planktonic foraminifera and its variation within and among species.

 The CT-scans and reconstructions were obtained at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, the Netherlands with a Zeiss Xradia 520 Versa micro-CT scanner. The meshes and segments were created at Yale University.

  1. Sample_Metadata.csv: Spreadsheet containing information on the sampling localities and dates for all specimens.
  2. Scan_data.csv: Spreadsheet containing metadata for all micro-CT scans including current strength, pixel size, voltage, image height, image width, and the number of images taken.
  3. Whole_Test_Measurements.csv:  Spreadsheet containing measurements of linear dimensions (axis1, axis2, axis 3), total number of chambers, calcite test volume, calcite test surface area, shrinkwrap volumes, and and shrinkwrap surface areas for all specimens.
  4. Chamber_Measurements.csv: Spreadsheet containing measurements of individual internal chamber segments, including position from the final chamber (F-chamber), position from the first chamber (Chamber), volume, and surface area.
  5. reconstructed micro-CT image stacks (.tif files) for each specimen.
  6. Meshes of the test calcite, the shrinkwrap, and the internal chamber segments for each specimen (.stl 3D mesh files). Regular test meshes are named with the format “SampleID.stl”, and shrinkwrap meshes are named “SampleID-WRAP.stl”. Chamber meshes are named “SampleID-CH#.stl” and “SampleID-CH#-Wrap.stl”. Chambers are numbered in relation to their position from the final chamber, with “CH1” being the final chamber and “CH2” being the penultimate chamber.

This data is described and analyzed in the manuscript “Three-Dimensional Analysis of Inter- and Intraspecific Variation in Ontogenetic Growth Trajectories of Planktonic Foraminifera” submitted to the journal Marine Micropaleontology.



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