Published March 15, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Paradigm Shift Towards Pull Strategy in Education System – A Study


  • 1. Assistant Professor, P.K.R. Arts College for Women, Gobichettipalayam


“To learn is to change. Education is a process that changes the learner.”
– George Leonard
Modern education should focus on the students independent activity, the organization
of self-learning environment and experimental practice training, where students
have a choice of actions and can use initiative and  exible training programs inorder
to make students more comfortable. Modern or Interactive methods of teaching
methods -are widespread in the scienti c and methodological literature and have
potential to form competency.  Many great artists are still relevant because they
have been able to paraphrase deep human affairs in one image, poem or other work
of art. To try to do the same is not only an education in art, it is about learning to
deal with complex realities, and being able to express a deeper sense or greater
meaning of life. This is important when one wants to become fully human, and may
also be essential within large organizations, to be clearly understood. Much like
how a cartoon reveals the hidden problem. Another example would be 



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