Published June 28, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Decentralized Business Process Modeling and Instance Tracking Secured by a Blockchain

  • 1. University of Bamberg


For supporting the conceptualization and the management of enterprise models in a decentralized manner, this paper introduces an approach based on model versioning and blockchain technologies. The main contribution is twofold, consisting of a., the creation of models for inter-organizational business processes in a decentralized environment, and b., means for tracking process instances using meta-data at run time. Models for business processes, workflows, and instance states are collaboratively created as part of a decentralized architecture. Based on this approach, a hierarchical versioning and modeling approach is employed in order to create and manage public and private models in a transactional fashion. For forming relationships among decentralized participants, semi-formal models linked to a blockchain are suggested. The approach is evaluated with a supply chain use case and demonstrated in an implemented modeling tool.


Härer, Felix (2018): Decentralized Business Process Modeling and Instance Tracking Secured by a Blockchain. In: Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018), Portsmouth, UK, DOI:



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