Application aux races locales européennes de la modélisation avec InraPorc des besoins nutritionnels des porcs en croissance
- 1. PEGASE, INRA, Agrocampus-Ouest, 35590 Saint-Gilles, France
- 2. CSIC, EEZ, Profesor Albareda s/n, 18008, Granada, Espagne
- 3. IPVC, Praça General Barbosa, 4900 Viana de Castelo, Portugal
- 4. University of Florence, DISPAA, Via delle Cascine 5, 50144 Firenze, Italie
- 5. IAH, Autoput za Zagreb 16, 11080 Belgrade-Zemun, Serbie
- 6. KIS-Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Hacquetova ul. 17, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovénie
Models such as InraPorc have been developed to simulate the growth of pigs and determine their nutrient requirements. These models have been applied largely to conventional breeds but so far not to local breeds. The aim of our study was to use InraPorc to determine nutrient requirements of growing pigs from local breeds in the H2020 European Union project TREASURE. Data on feed composition, allowance and intake, and body weight (BW) were obtained from literature reports or experiments conducted within the project. Data were used to calibrate parameters defining a growth and intake profile in InraPorc. We obtained 15 profiles from nine breeds (Alentejana, Basque, Bísara, Apulo Calabrese, Cinta Senese, Ibérico, Krškopoljska, Mangalitsa Swallow Bellied and Moravka), with one to three profiles per breed depending on experimental conditions or data source. Conditions of the studies affected calibration results. When focusing on the 40-100 kg BW range, mean protein deposition (PD) was low for all breeds, from 40.5-105.1 g/d, vs over 130 g/d in conventional breeds. The age of pigs at 40 kg BW ranged from 110-206 days, denoting different types of feeding management in addition to genetic differences. Average daily gain (ADG) curves and feed intake curves had similar shapes. Protein deposition rate was the highest in breeds with the highest ADG. Lysine requirements were largely covered in all studies and breeds, the highest requirements corresponding to the highest ADG. In all breeds, a small proportion of total body energy retention was dedicated to protein, unlike lipids. Despite some methodological limitations, this study provides an initial insight into nutrient requirements of some local breeds.
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