Published September 12, 2019 | Version 1.3.0
Software Open

II-DAP: Interactive Interface for Dynamic Analysis Procedures

  • 1. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne


IIDAP is a standalone MATLAB-based program that was first developed in 2018 at the Resilient Steel Structures Laboratory (RESSLAB) in Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. With 10K+ lines of code IIDAP is capable of performing a variety of dynamic analysis procedures ranging from simple response history analysis to response spectrum and incremental dynamic analyses on single degree-of-freedom systems (SDoF). IIDAP includes a wide-ranging library of SDoF system models ranging from simple non-deteriorating linear and bilinear models to state-of-the-art deteriorating bilinear pinched
 and peak-oriented responses. A seismic hazard module is also included for the quantification of collapse risk. IIDAP is highly beneficial for both educational and research purposes.


The updates in v1.3.0 include the following: • Updated/Adaptive graphics. • Results module: IDA curves for absolute acceleration. • Ground Motion Plot module: Plots for SAavg, incremental velocity (IV) and FIV3. • Code modifications for faster computations.


IIDAP Manual.pdf

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