There is a newer version of the record available.

Published February 12, 2019 | Version 18.09.1
Software Open

bgruening/docker-galaxy-stable: The Anthony Bretaudeau release

  • 1. University of Freiburg
  • 2. BIPAA/GenOuest
  • 3. EMBL-EBI
  • 4. Penn State University
  • 5. @LUMC
  • 6. Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics
  • 7. University of Stuttgart
  • 8. @BackofenLab
  • 9. University of Oslo
  • 10. ABiMS - Sorbonne Université-CNRS - Station Biologique de Roscoff
  • 11. @galaxyproject
  • 12. Aigenpulse
  • 13. @fraenkel-lab
  • 14. Public Health Agency of Canada


Anthony Bretaudeau (@abretaud) added the following features to the startup script.

  • update most of the config sample files during startup
  • update the database (only if the new GALAXY_AUTO_UPDATE_DB is set)
  • update all tools from the flavor yml list(s) (only if the path to yml file(s) is provided with the new GALAXY_AUTO_UPDATE_TOOLS var)
  • update conda installed in /export/tool_deps (only if the new GALAXY_AUTO_UPDATE_CONDA is set)



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