Published February 15, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted


  • 1. Assistant Professor, Government, First Grade College, Terdal Jamakandi-TqBagalkot-District


The consciousness of group identity and sense of the alien become nationalism, an ideology, when they are linked to political aspirations. Nationalism in the form of anti colonialism has been linked primarily to Asian and African independence movements. Economic exploitation of the third world by western colonial powers has been a major theme of anti colonial rhetoric and the more radical of the arguments, ideologically based on a Marxist Leninist analysis. Whereas according to the new Encyclopedia Britannica, Nationalism "is the creed of those who believe that fidelity to one's state is of greater importance than fidelity to international principles or to individual interests. It can be defined as a sentiment of supreme loyalty to the 'nation' aspiring to its unity purity, autonomy and strength. This corresponds in fact, to most definitions of 'nationalism' which fail to distinguish to the doctrine or movement. Historical writing on the Marathas was all along, in one form or another, connected with, or influenced by, politics. The political outlook and national sentiment of historians were determining the course of research and interpretation. The political charge of Maratha history was to a great extent due to the nearness of the Maratha past and the vivid memory of Shivaji amongst the Maharashtrians. Nationalist writers and nationalist movements have emphasized every kind of cultural and other criterion in staking out their claims for their 'nation'. For instance Mazzini pointed to Italy's unique geography where asTilak to India's worship of Kali, Shivaji and etc. "The introduction of railways, telegraphs and unified postal system shortened distances and promoted among the people a common understanding of new conditions of life brought into existence by British rule”. The passage of the Arms Act and Vernacular Press Act by Lord Lytton, evoked great opposition and it paved the way for molding up the national life of India. Among the early accounts that appear on Indian nationalism is Annie Besant's work. She pointed out that the beginning of national consciousness is deeply embedded in its ancient period. She also argues that India had unity and possessed national consciousness in her religion.



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