Published February 8, 2019 | Version v1
Presentation Open

The Carpentries: Teaching data science skills to researchers and people working in library- and information-related roles worldwide

  • 1. The Carpentries / California Digital Library
  • 2. Australian Research Data Commons


In July 1998, Los Alamos National Laboratory hosted the very first Carpentries course, led by John Reynders, Brent Gorda, and Greg Wilson. After running several courses thereafter, the lessons they learned highlighted the growing demand from the research community for training in basic computing skills and that traditional educational opportunities did not entirely address these needs. Fast forward to 2018, there continues to be a tremendous demand from the research community to learn new computational approaches and improve their workflows leading to the growth of The Carpentries. Since 2012, The Carpentries has seen 58 Trainers badged and 1,480 Instructors certified who have taught 1,332 Carpentries workshops reaching over 37,000 learners in 44 countries. This talk will describe what we teach, why and how we teach it, the impact it's having, and what we're planning to do next.


ARDC Library Carpentry webinar - 5 Feb 2019.pdf

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