Published February 4, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Background: despite the modern society and medical knowledge, irritable bowel syndrome has been common these days in medical students in Ryiadh city.

Objectives: irritable bowel syndrome [IBS] is a common gastrointestinal disease presenting with abdominal pain, bloating and change in bowel habit. This study aims to assess the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in medical students in Almaarefa  university, Saudi Arabia.

Methods: a cross-sectional study on the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome was randomly distributed among male in almaarefa University in Riyadh city, of Saudi Arabia from January to November 2015 involving 100 medical student participants.

Results: in 18% of the participants have been diagnosed with IBS and 28.5% fit Rome III criteria for the diagnosis of IBS. Stress with a percentage of 69.2% and lack of exercise 75.9% being the highest risk factors of IBS.

Conclusion: our result showed that huge number of medical students are suffering from inflammatory bowel syndrome

Research problem :Measuring awearness of irretabile bowel syndrome among medical student in almarefa university.

Research Keywords: Irritable bowel syndrome, Medical students, Rome III criteria.

Research significant and motivation :Measuring the awareness of irritable bowel syndrome among medical student will give us an overall picture on importance of irritable bowel syndrome and how those student deal with it and there for facilitating educational programs about this condition .


26.Dr. Mo7ammed Syam-salman final Modefied-converted.pdf

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