Published February 1, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Robot navigation measurements driving in and out of the van


This dataset is a rosbag which contains the laser scans and the pose of a Husky mobile robot, using the robot's odometry and two SICK S300 laser scans to navigate.

List of available topics:

  1. /colrobot/hardware/scan_pointcloud
  2. /colrobot/navigation/perfect_match/debug/LaserScanfiltered
  3. /colrobot/navigation/perfect_match/LocalisationPoseResult
  4. /colrobot/navigation/map
  5. /tf
  6. /tf_static

Topics contents:

  1. Pointcloud containing the merge of the two laser scans 
  2. Pointcloud containing the laser scans which matched with the given map
  3. Robot's pose estimate
  4. Map of the van (robot's working area)
  5. 6. Transforms of the system


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European Commission
ColRobot – Collaborative Robotics for Assembly and Kitting in Smart Manufacturing 688807