Published January 28, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data and code for "Observation and stabilization of photonic Fock states in a hot radio-frequency resonator"

  • 1. Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5046, 2600 GA, Delft, The Netherlands.
  • 2. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA.


This folder contains all the code necessary to produce the figures of the paper entitled "Observation and stabilization of photonic Fock states in a hot radio-frequency resonator" written by Mario F. Gely, Marios Kounalakis, Christian Dickel, Jacob Dalle, Rémy Vatré, Brian Baker, Mark D. Jenkins and Gary A. Steele


    Contains multiple folders each corresponding to a measurement. 
    These are all time stamped. 
    Inside each of these folders is a python file which corresponds to the measurement script run using the open source STlab library (see version closest to the time stamp on
    There is also a DAT file containing the measurement data and an accompanying text file which provides the name and end values of the swept parameters
    This data will be opened and manipulated in the ipython notebooks

    Contains the results of the ipython notebooks _*.ipynb
    These are run on a computer cluster and generate information used in other ipython notebooks

    Libraries used to run the adaptive rotating wave approximation simulations
    Modules used to load data from data/
    Modules used to plot 3D data as well as to generate default matplotlib settings

    Notebooks run on a computer cluster (using python 2.7) to generate the information stored in analysis_results/ and used in other ipython notebooks

    Notebook which generates the figures 1D, S4(B,C) and S9 of the paper. 
    Other notebooks follow this same naming convention

    Plots generated from the ipython notebooks which are then imported in Adobe Illustrator to construct figures


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QOM3D – Quantum Optomechanics in 3D 681476
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GrapheneCore2 – Graphene Flagship Core Project 2 785219