There is a newer version of the record available.

Published January 24, 2019 | Version v1.0.0
Software Open

tne-lab/phase-calculator: FFT-based phase calculator (first release)

  • 1. @tne-lab


This is the first official "release" of the phase estimation plugin described here, which involves bandpass filtering the raw LFP, predicting some amount of future signal using an autoregressive model, and extracting the phase using the Hilbert transform.

To cite this code, see the DOI badge in on the master branch.

  • Note: all channels are disabled by default - you must enable the ones you want to process by selecting them in the "param" section of the channel drawer.


  • If doing closed-loop stimulation, inputting a TTL event at stimulation times allows you to monitor the precise phases of stimulation with a ~1s delay (open the visualizer in a tab or separate window to get started).
  • Can also output the estimated magnitude or quadrature of the signal within the specified frequency range.
  • Length of Hilbert transform and of AR model prediction are fully customizable.



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