Published December 31, 2018 | Version 1.1
Dataset Open

ISO TR 21965 Information and documentation -- Records management in enterprise architecture - Archi tool project file

  • 1. INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa


This file is a project file, in XML format, of the freeware too Archi (version 4.2.0) modeling the ArchiMate diagrams present in the ISO/DTR 21965:2019.

Archi tool is freely available from

The purpose of the ISO/TR 21965:2019 is to provide a common reference for Records managers (or information managers in general) and Enterprise architects about requirements for records processes and systems. The goal is to establish the Records manager as a key stakeholder in Enterprise Architecture, by expressing the related Records Management Viewpoint.

This viewpoint makes use of the concepts of “concerns” and “system of concerns” as defined in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011, and of the concepts of “stakeholders”, “viewpoint, “view” and “model” as also defined coherently in that standard and in the main Enterprise Architecture references of TOGAF and ArchiMate. With reference to ArchiMate, the main scope of this viewpoint is the Motivational aspect and the layers Strategy and Business, with minor considerations for the layers of Application and Implementation. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is used to inform how this Records Management Viewpoint relates to the Architecture Development Method (ADM).

The edition of the file is work of the author, but the intelectual content of the file is the resulting of the work of the ISO working group responsible by the production of the Technical Report: ISO/TC 46/SC 11/WG 14 - Records requirements in Enterprise Architecture



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Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
UID/CEC/50021/2013 – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa 147282