Published January 9, 2019 | Version Amended version (removes the draft watermark from the previous one).
Poster Open

SUMCASTEC_190109_NA_EuMW18 Poster_Conference Poster_.pdf_Bath_I. Davies_Public_Amended

  • 1. Creo Medical Ltd., /Bangor University, UK, /Bangor University, UK
  • 2. ENEA, Rome
  • 3. Creo Medical Ltd.
  • 4. Bangor University


Poster presented by Ilan Davies at the IEEE European Microwave Week, Madrid Spain, 26th September 2018.





SUMCASTEC_190109_NA_EuMW18 Poster_Conference Poster_.pdf_Bath_I. Davies_Public_Amended.pdf

Additional details


SUMCASTEC – Semiconductor-based Ultrawideband Micromanipulation of CAncer STEm Cells 737164
European Commission