Published December 4, 2018 | Version v1
Presentation Open

CESSDA Vocabulary Manager

  • 1. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences


CESSDA CV-Manager is a tool that provides comprehensive functionalities to manage hierarchical controlled vocabularies (CVs).

This tool manages the entire workflow process of a CV, from creation, review process until its publication, as well as providing versioning and mulitlinguality functionalities, which allows the collaborative CVs management in an easy and efficient way.

CESSDA CV-Manager is based on DDI Flat-DB, an efficient REST-based database storage for DDI. Each published CV is stored as XML inside DDI Flat-DB documented as SKOS RDF vocabulary.

The published CVs is indexed with ElasticSearch for user-friendly searching.  In addition to the RDF format, the tool also allows CVs to be exported to other formats such as PDF and HTML. To incorporate the CVs into your own documentation tools, several REST endpoints are provided, such as selecting CVs, CV code suggestion or to fetch the whole CV for browsing purposes.

In the presentation the productive CESSDA CV manager will be described and we will discuss how to adopt and operationalize other complex  XML based meta-data schema such as SKOS using DDI-FlatDB. As a next step we plan to extend the CESSDA CV manager to become a full flavored collaborative thesaurus manager.


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