Published December 27, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна


Relevance of the problem. Burn-out negatively affects students' academic performance and health. Determination of burnout factors and the effects of their interaction is important for improving the quality of prevention and correction of this syndrome.

Aim of research is to analyze the mediator effect of coping strategies in the interaction between personal resources and the burnout of students in the educational environment.

Materials and methods. A mediatory analysis was conducted in the context of modeling by structural equations to study the data of a cross-section survey of a student sample (N = 303, Mage = 18,38, SD = 1,53).

Results. Testing the model of personal resources showed that four personality characteristics: self-efficacy, self-control, optimism and vitality form a factor of the second order. This factor was defined as an "index of personal resources" and is characterized by: 1) self-confidence or self-efficacy, which allows us to make the necessary efforts to solve a complex task; 2) self-control, which makes it possible to change the immediate dominant reactions, thoughts, behavior and emotions for the desired result; 3) optimism as a positive attribution of current and future successes, hope as perseverance in the pursuit of the goal, along with the ability to change the path leading to it; and 4) resilience, that is, a system of attitudes that provide courage and motivation to transform stressful circumstances from potential disasters in the possibility of growth.The results of mediatory analysis showed the direct and indirect coping strategies of the effect of personal resources on burnout. It is established that the interaction of personal resources with active copings contributes to reducing burnout, and with passive - increase.



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