Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
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FIGURES 10–15 in A survey of Palaearctic Dictynidae (Araneae). 1. Taxonomic notes on Dictynomorpha Spassky, 1939, Brigittea Lehtinen, 1967 and Lathys Simon, 1884


FIGURES 10–15. Dictynomorpha strandi (10–13), Ajmonia smaragdula (14–15, after Simon (1905)), male palp (10, 14 retrolateral; 11–12 ventral, different aspects; 13, 15 prolateral). Scales = 0.2 mm. Abbreviations: Cc—large cavity of De; De—dorso-posterior extension of cymbium; Dl—dorsal lobe of Pp; Fk—ventral knob of femur; La—lower arm of conductor; Pa—prolateral apophysis of tibia; Po—prolateral outgrowth of De; Pp—dorsal process of patella; Ra—retrolateral tibial apophysis; Rp—retrolateral process of cymbium; Rl—retrolateral lobe of Pp; Te—tegulum; Ua—upper arm of conductor.


Published as part of Marusik, Yuri M., Esyunin, Sergei L. & Tuneva, Tatyana K., 2015, A survey of Palaearctic Dictynidae (Araneae). 1. Taxonomic notes on Dictynomorpha Spassky, 1939, Brigittea Lehtinen, 1967 and Lathys Simon, 1884, pp. 129-144 in Zootaxa 3925 (1) on page 133, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3925.1.9,



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