Published January 21, 2014 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Additional morphological information on Dipteropeltis hirundo Calman, 1912, and a description of Dipteropeltis campanaformis n. sp. (Crustacea: Branchiura) from two characiform benthopelagic fish hosts from two Northern rivers of the Brazilian Amazon


Neethling, Lourelle Alicia Martins, Malta, José Celso De Oliveira, Avenant-Oldewage, Annemariè (2014): Additional morphological information on Dipteropeltis hirundo Calman, 1912, and a description of Dipteropeltis campanaformis n. sp. (Crustacea: Branchiura) from two characiform benthopelagic fish hosts from two Northern rivers of the Brazilian Amazon. Zootaxa 3755 (2): 179-193, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3755.2.4



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  • Calman, W.T. (1912) On Dipteropeltis, a new genus of the crustacean Order Branchiura. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 763-766.
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