Published December 31, 2013
| Version v1
Journal article
Two new species of Sericosura Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969 (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) from a hydrothermal vent on the East Pacific Rise
Wang, Jianjia, Lin, Rongcheng, Bamber, Roger N., Huang, Dingyong (2013): Two new species of Sericosura Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969 (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) from a hydrothermal vent on the East Pacific Rise. Zootaxa 3669 (2): 165-171, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3669.2.8
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- Bamber, R.N. (2009) Two new species of Sericosura Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969 (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae), and a reassessment of the genus. Zootaxa, 2140, 56-68.
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