Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
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FIGURE 2 in Remarks on Inachoididae Dana, 1851, with the description of a new genus and the resurrection of Stenorhynchinae Dana, 1851, and recognition of the inachid subfamily Podochelinae Neumann, 1878 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Majoidea)


FIGURE 2. Paulita tuberculata (Lemos de Castro, 1949). A, C, male 19.1 x 19.7 mm, French Guiana, stn 353, Durand coll. 1958 (MNHN-B19506); B, male 23.0 x 23.0 mm, French Guiana, stn 408, Durand coll. 1958, 28 m (MNHN-B19511); D, female 17.0 x 17.2 mm, same data as B (MNHN-B19511). A, carapace dorsal view: latero-external parts of pleurites and first abdominal somite dorsally exposed and calcified like the carapace surface; B, internal pleurites visible after removal of a portion of carapace; C, ventral view; D, brood cavity. a1, first abdominal somite; epl, endopleurite; e, exposed pleurite; j, sternum/ pterygostome junction; M.o., Milne-Edwards opening; pt, pleotelson (somite 6 fused to telson); r, setting gutter receiving carapace edge; s, sella turcica; 4–8, pleurites 4–8; e5–e8, exposed pleurites 5–8.


Published as part of Guinot, Danièle, 2012, Remarks on Inachoididae Dana, 1851, with the description of a new genus and the resurrection of Stenorhynchinae Dana, 1851, and recognition of the inachid subfamily Podochelinae Neumann, 1878 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Majoidea), pp. 22-40 in Zootaxa 3416 on page 25, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.208589



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