Published December 31, 2010
| Version v1
Journal article
The larval, juvenile, and adult stages of the Caribbean goby, Coryphopterus kuna (Teleostei: Gobiidae): a reef fish with a pelagic larval duration longer than the post-settlement lifespan
Victor, Benjamin C., Vasquez-Yeomans, Lourdes, Valdez-Moreno, Martha, Wilk, Leslie, Jones, David L., Lara, Monica R., Caldow, Chris, Shivji, Mahmood (2010): The larval, juvenile, and adult stages of the Caribbean goby, Coryphopterus kuna (Teleostei: Gobiidae): a reef fish with a pelagic larval duration longer than the post-settlement lifespan. Zootaxa 2346: 53-61, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.205337
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