Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

A new genus for Psopheticus megalops Takeda, 1989 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Goneplacidae)


Ng, Peter K. L., Komai, Tomoyuki (2011): A new genus for Psopheticus megalops Takeda, 1989 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Goneplacidae). Zootaxa 2934: 61-67, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.203270



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  • Castro, P. (2007) A reappraisal of the family Goneplacidae MacLeay, 1838 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) and revision of the subfamily Goneplacinae, with the description of ten new genera and eighteen new species. Zoosystema, 29(4), 609- 773.
  • Castro, P., Guinot, D. & Ng, P.K.L. (2009) A new family for Sotoplax robertsi Guinot, 1984, with a diagnosis and key to the Goneplacoidea MacLeay, 1838 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Zootaxa, 2356, 36-56.
  • Castro, P. & Ng, P.K.L. (2010) A new genus and species of goneplacid crab (Decapoda, Brachyura, Goneplacidae) from the western Pacific. Crustaceana Monographs, 11, 51-60.
  • MacLeay, W.S. (1838) On the Brachyurous Decapod Crustacea. Brought from the Cape by Dr. Smith. In A. Smith, Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa; consisting chiefly of figures and descriptions of the objects of natural history collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa, in the years 1834, 1835, and 1836; fitted out by 'The Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring Central Africa': together with a summary of African Zoology, and an inquiry into the geographical ranges of species in that quarter of the globe, Published under the Authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, Invertebratae: [1849] pp. 53-71, pls 2, 3.
  • Ng, P.K.L., Guinot, D. & Davie, P.J.F. (2008) Systema Brachyurorum: Part I. An annotated checklist of extant brachyuran crabs of the world. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 17, 1-286.
  • Ng, P.K.L. & Manuel-Santos, M.R. (2007) Establishment of the Vultocinidae, a new family for an unusual new genus and new species of Indo-West Pacific crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Goneplacoidea), with comments on the taxonomy of the Goneplacidae. Zootaxa, 1558, 39-68.
  • Takeda, M. (1989) Shallow-water crabs from the Oshima Passage between Amami-Oshima and Kakeroma-jima Islands, the northern Ryukyu Islands. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, 22, 135-184, pl. 4.
  • Tan, L.W.H., Lim, S.S.L. Lim & Ng, P.K.L. (1986) The complete larval development of the dromiid crab, Cryptodromia pileifera Alcock, 1899 (Decapoda: Dromiidae) in the laboratory. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 6(1), 111-118.
  • Wood-Mason, J. (1892) Illustrations of the Zoology of H.M. Indian Marine Surveying Steamer Investigator, under the command of Commander A. Carpenter, R.N., D.S.O., and of Commander R. F. Hoskyn, R.N. Part I. Crustaceans. Plates I-V. Director of the Royal Indian Marine, Calcutta, [five unnumbered pages for Explanation of Plates], pls. I-V.