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Published December 10, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Open Science in Practice - STS approaches to open cultures in research

  • 1. University of Vienna
  • 2. University Oberta de Catalunya


Our conference track invited STS scholars to explore Open Science from an STS perspective and to discuss what STS can bring into the broader discussion. Open science is broadly defined as science that is transparent, accountable, and shareable, involving the participation of (all) relevant stakeholders in the scientific process. With this report we would like to highlight several discussion points of the broad spectrum from normative imaginaries of openness to undogmatic open practices. Therefore, while the emphasis of our remarks is on the diversity of enactments of openness, we can only present four snapshots of our track: co-production of knowledge in participatory settings, open data practices, scientific ethos and trust, and policy imaginaries of openness in research and innovation. 



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