Published June 25, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Особливості формування мотивації навчання молодших школярів у вальдорфській школі

  • 1. Харківський національний педагогічний університет ім. Г. С. Сковороди;


In the article the features of forming motivation for learning of primary school students, based on general pedagogical ideas are reflected and approaches to the development of personality in Valdorf pedagogics (idea of integral organization of a man and idea of nature accordance studies and education). It is marked that the purpose of education at Valdorf school is the preparation of conditions for free development of personality. It is found out that for the successful forming motivation for learning of primary school students educational process must be based on the real cognition of a child leaning against his age-related needs (the need of support on authority of a teacher, creative thinking, the need of activity) and taking into account the individual features (temperament, constitution, character) of every student. It is underlined, that a leading role in forming of motivation for learning of primary school students at Valdorf school is played by emotions and feelings.  



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