Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
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FIGURE 3 in Notes on the genus Celotes, with the description of a new species from Mexico (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Pyrginae: Pyrgini)


FIGURE 3. Specimens of Celotes. 1–4 C. spurcus, all from Mexico: Querétaro: Mpio. Peñamiller: 4.2 rd. mi (6.8 km) W Peñamiller on camino Peñamiller-Boquillas; 5–8 C. nessus and 9–12 C. limpia; d and v denote dorsal and ventral views, respectively. 1. Holotype ♂, 3-Sep-2007; 2. Allotype Ψ, 2-Sep-2007; 3. Paratype ♂, paler specimen 2-Sep-2007; 4. Paratype ♂, smaller specimen 26-Mar-2001; 5. ♂ TX: Val Verde Co. 7 mi (11.3 km) E Del Rio, el (ex larva) 23-Dec- 1966, larval foodplant Abutilon fruticosum, leg. R.O. & C.A. Kendall; 6. Topotype Ψ, TX: Bexar Co. San Antonio, NE Preserve, el 18-Sep-1960, larval foodplant Abutilon incanum, leg. R.O. & C.A. Kendall; 7. ♂ AZ: Pima Co. Molino Basin, 31-Mar-1978, leg. J.P. Brock; 8. Ψ AZ: Pima Co. Molino Basin, el 22-Jun-1990, larval foodplant Ayenia compacta, emerged 26-Jul-1990, leg. J.P. Brock; 9. Paratype ♂ TX: Presidio Co. SH170 ca. 10-15 mi (16.1–24.1 km) SE Redford, el 31-Aug-1966, larval foodplant Abutilon malacum, leg. R.O. & C.A. Kendall; 10. Paratype Ψ TX: Jeff Davis Co. Musquiz Cyn SH118, el 14-Apr-1967, had larval diapause, larval foodplant Allowissadula holosericea, leg. R.O. & C.A. Kendall; 11. ♂, 12. Ψ, both TX: Brewster Co. Big Bend National Park, E of Chisos Basin Campground, el 16-Sep- 2005, larval foodplant Sphaeralcea angustifolia, leg. N.V. Grishin.


Published as part of Warren, Andrew D., Steinhauser, Stephen R., Hernández-Mejía, Claudia & Grishin, Nick V., 2008, Notes on the genus Celotes, with the description of a new species from Mexico (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Pyrginae: Pyrgini), pp. 27-40 in Zootaxa 1926 on page 33, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.184811



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