There is a newer version of the record available.

Published October 30, 2018 | Version v1.0
Dataset Open

Vectors for Goode's Homolosine projection

  • 1. ISRIC - World Soil Information


This dataset contains useful vector maps to work with with Goode's Homolosine projection. The list of files included are:

  •  CounterDomain.geojson - a polygonal approximation of the Homolosine projection counter-domain. This can be used to fix vectors wrongly  projected by programmes that consider the counter-domain to be infinite. It can also be used to represent the seas in global mapping.
  •  ParallelsMeridians.geojson - a set of meridians and parallels to be used in the creation of global maps.
  • - the PROJ string defining the Homolosine projection (referenced by the GeoJSON slides)
  • LICENCE - full text of the licence (EUPL-1.2)

These datasets were generated with the open souce programme homolosine-vectors, available at:


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