Published November 28, 2016 | Version v1
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Jisc Data Asset Framework Toolkit 2016

  • 1. Research Consulting


This document provides guidance to higher education institutions (HEIs) on the implementation of a Data Asset Framework (DAF) survey. It outlines the steps involved in implementation, and makes recommendations on how to approach each of them. In addition, lessons learned during six DAF surveys completed by UK HEIs in mid-2016 are noted within the text.

The Data Asset Framework (formerly Data Audit Framework) was originally developed with Jisc funding in 2009, as part of a project led by HATII at the University of Glasgow in conjunction with the Digital Curation Centre (DCC). As part of this earlier project, a DAF survey was developed to allow HEIs to collect data on what types of data they hold, their volume, and the practices to store, share, and disseminate them.

The present document has been prepared by Research Consulting as part of the Jisc-funded research data shared service project (RDSS). The guidance presented here is based on the development and delivery of DAF surveys within the RDSS project


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